Saturday, February 6, 2010

I've Been Cleared for Landing!

Alright! Now we're talking!

The very day I wrote about feeling like I was in a holding pattern waiting for clearance from the tower my life was put into fast forward...

I received my hiring contract with all the bells and whistles that come with this job... I start on MONDAY! YAY!

I put a fast forward on getting my car fixed by having that done on Friday, and it cost $100 less than the estimate I was quoted! YES...less to pay back to my wonderful benefactors!

Friday night I put my ankle to the test and attended the dance party at the studio, and while I didn't feel any pain, the dance shoe attached to my wounded ankle did get progressively tighter as the evening wore on... so still not totally healed yet, but no pain was a good sign. So I'm going to pick up the 10,000 dance steps on Monday...

Now I'm preparing to have a life again... I know it's going to be slow going for a few weeks, until some paychecks start rolling in and I get used to waking up to an alarm again.... but I can't wait!

I also decided that...while I thought I had a good thing going with The Beau... you know what? It wasn't meant to be and that's why I was never upset about his ending the relationship... I have officially jumped back into the dating world, and came back out with no scars to show.. so I'll be joining the dating scene again as soon as I've got my new work and dance schedule figured out! I'm really excited about this too!

They say that 2010 is the year of the Tiger on the Chinese calendar... I disagree... this is the YEAR OF THE KAT!

Sure... I got slowed up for a bit... but that's nothing... just wait...

Away we go!

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