Musings and information on how I'm doing the Swing to burn calories, meeting new people through Mambo and learning to Waltz my way into a better life.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Winter Festival Studio 54 Party... RT and I Come Out on Top!!
The first party was this past Friday, it's theme was Studio 54/I Love New York... loosely translated means Disco & Pizza. :-) Well I didn't have to think hard about what I was wearing... about 6 months ago I was shopping online and going through some serious clearance websites... I found what I think is a totally crazy out there top that has an asymmetrical the point where there just isn't a sleeve on one side... and it's ALL black sequins! I had toyed with the idea of wearing to a few different places but didn't get the nerve, but with Disco as a theme... it was my only option. So I paired it with my black flare leg slacks... because that was the closest thing I had to bell bottoms.
So I dressed the best I could, did makeup like I had seen on my mom in pictures from the early 1970's. I was trying to channel one of my favorite 1970's icons Gilda Radner. So I finished and headed out to the party.
The party was nice... everyone from the staff was decked out... Pizza and baked goods were provided for us to snack on, along with the famous champagne punch. There were a LOT of people! I actually danced more than I anticipated... I also caught up with a lot of folks. All of that was a ton of fun and I would have been happy with that... but turns out my name was selected to be part of the evening's group activity.
The group activity for the evening was a little Hustle competition... long and short of how to participate was that we would put our name on a list under one of our instructor's names then one of those names would be drawn so that each instructor had a student to dance with. My name was selected to compete with RT. Winner would be decided by studio applause.
So RT, in his fro wig and Elton John style sunglasses and I were on the floor with 8 other couples... they played a nice solid 70's Hustle... I can't remember which one, my memory doesn't work the same when I'm trying to perform. Anyway, TSD and his student partner were pulling out a lot of show stoppers... TSD was blindfolded (but I'm pretty sure he could still see a little) and he had his student lay on the ground so he could scoot over her. RT and I spent the first part of the dance laughing at them... then it was time to focus and just try to follow.
Hmmm... what do I remember about the dance... well I remember at the beginning that I wasn't very nervous...but RT was trying his best to keep me calm... I was more concerned about a blindfolded TSD... the dance itself... I remember a lot of spins... a LOT of them! Then towards the end of it, RT lead me into 4 consecutive spins and I didn't spot them very well, but I did finish them... right after that I heard a few women calling my name... which spurs RT on to lead me into more spins... Thankfully they were the kind of fast independent spins that I'm really comfortable doing. Then I remember my heart rate getting a little too high... combo dance and champagne punch... So I tried to bring it down through breathing... I must have become a heavier follow because I started hearing "Come on Kat..." from RT... which I chose to ignore... now was not the time for me to start an argument with him. Once the dance was over RT escorted me to my seat so we could watch the amateur couples compete in their "heat".
After cheering for my favorite couple... it really dawned on me... this was going to be a popularity contest... "Winner by applause" always is right? I never usually win in these types of situations... but after a quick look at the audience.... knowing that I had a lot of friends and blog readers present.. I thought I could maybe have a shot... I don't EVER do these kinds of things... so I think RT and I could at least land in the top 3 based on what I thought the popularity level of the other students was.
As we were called to line up competition style, RT says to me "9th place...that's us."
I couldn't believe he said that 9th would have put us in the bottom! I just turned and said "Ummm... I think I'm a little more popular than that!" Then I was struck by the sheer cockiness of my statement... I NEVER say stuff like that! I don't even believe stuff like that! Great, I probably just jinxed us.
Jesse was master of ceremony, he raised his hand above each couple and they were met by moderate applause... TSD and his partner were just behind us and when Jesse's hand went above them the crowd got noticeably louder.... Oh great...they just won it. I thought... Then I looked up as Jesse's hand was just above my head... and the applause level was about the same!
Immediately the four of us were pushed forward for a final determination... I heard cries from the crowd for a dance off.. but they didn't have time for that... So TSD and his partner were called for another round of applause and TSD whisks his partner up in his arms, and spins her around the floor... That's it...they got it... I don't want to pull a stunt like that. I think, at the exact moment RT is rapidly tapping me on the shoulder...
"Do me, you lift me!" he whispers excitedly....
As my head is screaming NO! I feel my head nodding yes... DANG!
So RT and I are called forward... there was applause... but it wasn't loud enough... I had my left arm around RT's back... I stuck my right arm out... if I'm lifting him...he's jumping for it... he did... and there I was carrying my dance instructor... I wasn't thinking..well not really.. I'm told all that followed was really quick...but I can only see in my mind what I saw during that "lift" as I'm standing there... I think I was smiling... but looking at the floor... it dawns on me... I could spin... I could spin and he wouldn't fall. So I did like two really quick spins and then I suddenly really didn't like the idea that I was carrying my dance instructor... so I dropped his feet rather unceremoniously... but the cheers were louder! RT and I were declared the Winners!!! YAY!!! RT lead me into a traditional spin then bow for thanks to the crowd. My prize was a coffee mug that says "Dancer" on it, which I tried to accept with all the drama of being handed an Oscar... unfortunately that drama was really just stuck between Jesse and I... but I figured... heck I just lifted my dance instructor to win... I'm entitled to get a little over dramatic.
Do I particularly enjoy the fact that I can haul my instructor around?? No, we all know I don't like to overplay the fact that I'm strong... but I will admit to doing that exclusively so we could win...
What I love is that without the final "stunt" we would have came in second on merit alone... That I really like... :-)
The rest of the party went on as usual... I got a few comical dances in with Largo and CWS but the fact that I actually won something really didn't dawn on me until later... and then I smiled... a lot. :-D
After the party I was sure to get a "victory photo" with my disco RT... Enjoy!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Lesson this Week... Everything I Like To Do
Oh my goodness, first, I hope all my US readers had a very nice Thanksgiving! I can't believe the holiday season is upon us already!!
My holiday was good, but I was really looking forward to my lesson this week... I hadn't danced with either instructor last week and by the time my lesson had been rescheduled with Largo I was DYING for dancing! I had warned him earlier in the week that I wanted to DANCE during my lesson... I did NOT want a lesson full of technique. I don't get to just DANCE that often with my instructors, and it's one of my favorite things in this life to do... so after a few technique and theory filled lessons... I start demanding it.
I gotta say... Largo is really good to me... he remembered about my wanting to dance... we opened with some really fun Hustle... then worked on Rumba...where we did work on a few things...but it was mostly within the dancing, and that's my preferred way to learn anyway. Once we were relatively pleased with my Rumba and had the discussion about why I don't always have my feet turned out... (for me there is NOTHING natural about having my feet turned out) we moved on.
East Coast Swing... we worked on tweaking a few steps... we were doing a lot of single spins... which I love...and I think I'm pretty close to trying an independent double... There is one spin at the end of what is commonly referred to as the "back to back" step...that I usually just let rip with no control and it usually means that I kind of stumble my way through the last triple step at the end... Largo kept laughing at me, and telling me how to improve it. Then I ignored what he told me and just really whipped around... I bobbled and Largo got a scared look on his face as he reached out to stop me.
"Don't worry, I do that all the time, I never fall." I say with a huge smile on my face.
"Don't say you never fall, never say that." Largo responds
"Ok I gotcha...then I haven't fallen YET." He's being serious...but I'm still smiling over his trying to catch me.
"Ok...that's better." He states.
So then I decide to focus a little more and tell him "I can do it... I'm not taking control of that spin...lets do it again."
So we did... and I controlled the spin... and what do you know, I completed the step with out nearly falling!
"Ahh...good!!" Largo exclaims.
"Yeah, well I told you I could do it." I was just letting the spin rip before....because I like to do that... but I do have the ability to control it.
Largo just laughs... which I enjoy, it's pretty easy to make him laugh... Largo is a hard core competitor... he doesn't like it when dancing isn't at it's best... but then he's got me as a student... so I hope I'm reminding him of the lighter side of dancing...
Then we started doing Salsa... I was surprised... it's pretty rare that Largo leads me into Salsa during a lesson... which is too bad... because I really enjoy his Salsa. So we were having fun with a little Salsa...nothing too fancy... he walked me through this move where I have to duck under his arm then get spun one way followed immediately by spinning the other way. Hmmm... well I'm not a fan of the ducking under the arm thing...but I do like the spinning... and changing direction that fast is something I definitely need to work on!
We then went to the music machine and he asked me what I wanted to work on... we only had a few minutes left in the lesson...
"Well... lets make it a perfect lesson... let's work on Cha Cha." I tell him.
"It's not a perfect lesson." Largo responds...
"No no...I'm not talking about my actual dancing! Silly, but we worked on all my other favorites... Cha Cha would make it perfect."
So he puts a Cha Cha on... and my following wasn't as good as it could have been but we went over some older steps.. and polished a few of the newer ones. I thought I got that spin at the end of a step we're constantly working on... then I was told it was "actually a little slow" Ack... so we did it again... and I am getting better at going straight back rather than landing that spin in a 5th position. So I was pleased.
We ended the lesson with a big hug and some laughing about my getting ready for the party later that night... Largo had me working so hard I had to wash my hair again! (the first place I show signs of sweating is under my hair)
That lesson was my perfect balance of learning/practicing and dancing!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Lesson Last Week....TNT Helps Me With Technique
We opened with a little hustle… and then TNT asked “Do you need more warm up than that?”
“Ummm…for a technique lesson? No…” I responded as we headed over to the music machine.
We then talked about what I wanted to work on. I mentioned the backwards Rumba walks from my last lesson with RT, and how much it frustrated me that I wasn't really able to get them. TNT was very excited to show me her technique for this... Something she swore to me would make backwards Rumba walks almost easier than forward walks. This I'd have to see to believe... after selecting some background music we set to work. I was already starting my deep breathing relaxing techniques to keep me from being frustrated with TNT.
You know what? turns out I didn't even need to keep my frustration in check... I don’t know if my processing all the words RT used to try and describe this concept to me helped…but as soon as TNT said “Ok…don’t let your knee pass your straight leg when you step back.” It was like a light bulb moment. Honestly… in the span of oh…maybe…five minutes TNT was saying that my backwards Rumba walks were looking fine! This was very reminiscent for me of the whole "leg crawl" issue I had with RT a while back... if he would have just SAID for me to not let the one knee pass the other I wouldn't have burned nearly an entire lesson trying to get this all right! Something I'll have to point out to him next time I work with him. (I'm not upset with him mind you...I just want to let him know that it was much easier for me to process this way... maybe help him to explain it in a more concise manner.)
See…told you I picked her for a reason.
So once I had a really good idea of how to practice these Rumba Walks we moved on. I asked her “Did you happen to ask [RT] or [Largo] about what we should work on?”
“No…I didn’t get the chance…I’m sorry”
“That’s ok… I know exactly what we’ve been trying to work on.”
So we worked on cross over breaks, some fine tuning from my last lesson with Largo, and then I remembered about the tweaking RT and I were working on in my East Coast Swing. All of which went really well. I even received a compliment on the finer points of my East Coast Swing rock step…which I quickly accredited to her work out class. (We spend a really good portion of the work out class on East Coast Swing/Jive type movements). TNT really got a kick out of my getting technique pointers from her work out class. (I wouldn’t have told her if it wasn’t true!)
The hardest part of all that we reviewed is the cross over breaks… I have a really hard time balancing if I have to hold that position for longer than a second. Now I just have to practice… practice…and even more practice…thankfully all of these are things I can practice within the confines of my small abode.
I’m really glad I signed up for a lesson with TNT… now I can’t wait for my instructors to get back so I can put this into practice!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sometimes I Forget....
I forget... I forget what I was before...and I focus only on what is now... and all the things that need to be improved on... This pic is staying right here on the blog... so I WON'T forget...
....Wow... I have a lot further to go.... But look how far I've come!!!
Look! I've always tucked my chin in in pictures... I HATE that...but LOOK!! This was October 2008. Same Chin position... MUCH LESS CHIN!!! :-) So much less everything else too... that dress is 8 sizes smaller than the shirt above... and that dress probably could have been a tad smaller. :-)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Ohio Star Ball... Had Better Watch Out!
This year there are several students going to compete for which the whole studio is very proud. Four of our professional couples are also going to compete.... Ohio Star Ball had better look out because we're sending some of the best!
HFC and STP - Rumba
FAF and TSD - Waltz
TNT and Largo - Mambo
DWH and CWS - Bolero
Good luck to all of you!!! I know you'll do us proud!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Lesson This Week... RT... Rumba in Reverse
"Hey how long has it been since our last lesson?" RT asks...
"Week before last, like always because I work with [Largo] now..." (I work with each teacher every other week, because it's hard to keep payments on two lessons a week up.)
"Really? Huh... feels like it's been three weeks."
"Nope... same amount as always." I respond as if it were normal... but I desperately wish I could dance with both instructors every week... and since RT never seems to mind the schedule I keep I was really curious why he as asking... but I didn't want to pry. So we just continued with our Rumba...
Maybe two steps after our mini conversation we broke and RT started pointing out some technique. My immediate thought was that we'd get through the technique and then get to some dancing.
WRONG... Oh I was so wrong!!
RT started working with me on my Rumba walks... we immediately settled on the fact that my forward Rumba walks were ok... just some minor tweaking on my footwork. Which is GREAT! Then we started working on Rumba walks backwards... which apparently I do all wrong.
"Ok take a step back with your right foot..." RT instructs " bring your left hip back."
My mind went blank... totally blank... you could have asked me my name and I wouldn't have been able to answer.
"Wait..." I say completely puzzled "You want me to do what?"
"Your left hip...back." He states.
I couldn't even imagine how that would work... if my right foot is back, how in the WORLD am I going to get my left hip back there too?? I just kind of stood there with a puzzled look on my face trying to get my left hip back, but only my right hip would comply.
"No... you can't settle into your other hip yet... the left one has to go back first." He says followed by taking my hands and leading me backwards slowly, trying to push me into the right position. It wasn't working... not in the least. I kept taking the step back and immediately settling into the same hip I was stepping back on.
We kept working... and RT even had me working up against the counter to create my own resistance... I was growing more and more frustrated, and I tried desperately not to show it. The words simply weren't translating into something that made sense to my body! RT could have told me what to do in a foreign language and it would have made the same amount of nonsense to me. At one point he was trying to explain for the MILLIONTH time what I was supposed to be doing and feeling while trying to step back and push the opposite hip back... I fired off a few of my one liners... whenever I'm trying to mask actual emotion... is when I get funny. RT keeps telling me it's the same as forward Rumba walks... but it's SO NOT!
"Clearly I must have never ever done this right before EVER or I would have some point of reference in my head for what to tell my body to do!" I tell him...
Suddenly my brain just snapped... being funny wasn't going to get anything done... So I stopped, ran a frustrated hand through my hair and stated...
"Look, I know...I'm trying to be funny... but I'm FRUSTRATED... the angry kind of frustrated!!"
RT looked at me with a little bit of surprise and responded "Awww... (he hugs me) you haven't been frustrated with me in a while."
"I know... but it's not you this's the stupid step... *sigh* ok... lets try it again..." I say as I look at the clock and realize my lesson is almost up... I then take that look and give it to RT... who is apparently not phased by the fact that all but 10 minutes of my lesson have been devoted to this Rumba backwards stuff!
After a few more minutes I did start to get it ok... we tried with my forward walks...then immediately switched to backwards...that seemed to help a little. Then I was just about done... I was ready to walk off the floor and just chalk this up to I need to practice... I didn't say anything...but I think RT realized the state I would be in if we didn't get any dancing in.
CWS was also on the floor teaching one of his students and had put on an East Coast Swing. RT decided it was time to start leading me in that... with a sigh of relief we were off...
Then in typical RT style... during a Really Technical lesson... the technique wasn't done yet! RT starts to remind me to bring my foot in before I do my rock step which improves either the hips or some other technique focused part of the dance.... In the meantime CWS keeps shouting at me
"Hey Kat... It's your favorite dance!"
"Hey Kat... Are you enjoying your East Coast?"
I shouted back some smart alic response. CWS likes to rub in East Coast being my favorite dance because that magazine article that was written about me states that it is.
RT is confused by all of this because he's not listening...
"What's he saying?" RT asks mid dance of course... :-)
"Nothing, don't worry about it... [CWS] won't let it go that the article says East Coast is my favorite dance, even though I keep telling him I'm more of a Salsa/Cha Cha girl now." The last bit I kind of shout over my shoulder so CWS can hear it...
So CWS chimes in.. "Nope, East's in's your favorite dance!"
"Yes, because everything you read is true right?" I retort.
RT and I finish our swing and I actually get, understand, and can perform the adjustment to my rock step for my East Coast Swing.
This lesson was frustrating... one of the MOST frustrating ever...but it was also a break through... because most of the time when I have a lesson like this I walk out of the studio feeling like I never should have started dancing... THIS time I didn't have ANY of those feelings... it was simply... Ok...something new for me to work on... I don't have any idea if I'll ever get it... but I've got to practice.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Friday Party... Fall Colors
I have a student lead that seems to like to grab me for a Fox Trot... which is great! I'll dance the basic around the floor (plus anything else he learns) with him anytime! So we did that a couple of times, and I loved it.
I have to say that the highlights of the evening came in four dances... THREE...count them THREE Salsas! Woo hoo!!! The fourth was a mixed swing with RT. But Salsas first.... First salsa came on and I was certain I'd be sitting it out... which just breaks my heart... not because I'm so excellent at salsa...but because I love dancing it so much! Just as I thought I was going to be dancing in the corner by myself STP grabbed me and danced a fun salsa.... he somehow remembered about a step that I've worked on so hard with RT... I was shocked... then he moved into more Mambo kind of steps... it was the best Salsa I've danced with him. However, I've not been over a lot of the Mambo steps.... so I was just kind of trusting my fallowing skills. I thanked him at the end of the dance... hmmmm... maybe the picture a few posts ago isn't accurate... maybe I CAN trust him with my Salsa :-).
Next Salsa up was with Largo.... I haven't danced salsa with him in a LONG time... but I know through the rumor mills that he likes to go out salsa dancing... and I know that he knows about my love of Salsa from RT. It was so much fun! ALMOST...but not quite... as much fun as dancing with RT. I was just really going...and he was really having fun with it... which I've got to tell you is a HUGE part of dancing... I feed off the energy from my partner... and if they are having fun with it... than so am I! I'll have to start asking for Salsa as a part of my lessons with him.
Final Salsa of the evening was with RT. Wow he really had me going... we traveled around the floor more than I have in a long time... we did the step I've been working on... and I got a nod of approval.. even though I know it wasn't perfect. RT also had me spinning a TON... which I'm sorry even when I go too strong into it and nearly topple over at the end is just SO MUCH FUN! I actually realized what I like so much about spinning... it's one of the things I do best if I honestly clear my mind... anytime I've had the impressive spins my mind has been completely clear... which for a mind like mine, that typically races a million miles a a REAL treat!
The fourth dance that I had a BLAST with was a mixed swing with RT... it was actually before the Salsa...but it's mixed because RT for whatever reason likes to start and East Coast Swing and then will suddenly start a sugar push of a West Coast Swing and maybe after some West Coast will flip right back into East Coast. He's one of the only instructors I've ever known to do that. He involved a lot of leverage and as much spinning as the space would allow. I had a blast!
There were SO many other dances... I'd love to be able to tell you about them all but that would make this more of a novel... I can tell you that I've never laughed so hard during a Rumba as I did with CWS... and that my Waltz with TSD wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been.
Yep... that's a party done right... I hope everyone there had as much fun as I did!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Lesson This Week... Largo & I get to Dance!
I started my lesson hoping desperately for something like what they call "rounds". Rounds are typically saved for competitive students. It's when you just drill several of the dances and steps that you know right before a comp. RT and I have done them on a few lessons...and sometimes it's just what I need. Just to have the opportunity to dance.... to actually DANCE with your professional. There is nothing like it in the world! Well we didn't start that way... but I was ready to ask for them.
We started with the typical "How are you?" kind of questions... I was honest with Largo... it was the night before I had some big personal business to attend to, and I wasn't feeling very optimistic... I told him... "Well, darling, to be honest I'm miserable."
"Oh, I'm sorry, *laughs* 'darling'... thank you!" Largo responds.
We opened with a we usually do... Considering I didn't even feel like dancing much (I had seriously considered canceling my lesson.) I followed pretty well... then Largo tried a new move... don't know what it was, but it involved some spins... and we kept trying it... but Largo kept knocking me in the head! We kept laughing... I kept telling him this shouldn't be an issue... then he had us stand next to each other... Now I always thought he was aprox my height... At least I never feel like I have to look down to him... However once actually paying attention to our height... I'm about 2.5 inches taller than him!! Oh well... The long and the short of it is... Not to long into my lesson I was VERY glad I had not decided to cancel! We joked and worked on Rumba, East Coast Swing, and Cha Cha... As close to "Rounds" as I could have asked for.
At one point I did become frustrated... we were working on a particular Cha Cha step that was giving me issues... and I was complaining about not being good enough. (I typically complain about not being good enough when I'm frustrated about not getting a step.) Largo was very sweet... We were working on a spin... and I was whining... (even I hate it when I whine.)
Largo simply stated "But you can spin."
"Yeah but I can't control it." I responded, frustrated.
"Yes, but you can spin... so many others can't." Largo stated.
" I should be happy that I can.. and just work on controlling it." I said.
Largo didn't say anything after that... but I did finish the next step on time. :-)
That made me feel better, I'm not going to lie. Someone with as much experience as Largo telling me that I can do something.... that's worth it's weight in gold.
I may have walked into that lesson feeling like crap... and the very idea of dancing felt like a foreign concept.... but by the time I walked out... I was on top of the world... I had the opportunity to dance, to spin, to work with a partner in a team effort, which is a real bright spot in a life that is very much a solo experience... THAT is priceless and THAT is another reason why I consistently show up for lessons.
I love dancing!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween Party @ FADS Buffalo Grove
My dancing was mostly pretty terrible... I don't know if I was distracted by all the costumes, the black light or what. I did get a Rumba and a Foxtrot in with Largo (Bam Bam). RT (Freddie from Scooby Doo) picked me up for a Salsa, (which I screwed up on a step we've been working on FOREVER!!) and a really fun Cha Cha where he was just goofing off...but in a fun cute to follow way. CWS (Barney Rubble) grabbed me for a Rumba and remembered that I had the same costume last year...which is impressive...I however remembered that last year during Halloween was the first time I'd met him and we danced an East Coast Swing...which I guess impressed him.
I was also picked up by STP (Fred Flintstone) for a Hustle, FAF (Betty Rubble) got me for another Hustle (and insisted I pull off like 5 spins in a row!) Michael & Bonnie (of Bonnie's Belle Gowns) were there, Michael was kind enough to lead me through a Rumba and a Cha Cha. I got a Tango in with a new student lead (he was the Pilot) which was fine...and for once not a comedy routine! RT was passing us on the floor and commented on my hand placement... hey at least I had something right! The Hippie in the Military (hey...that's what he told me he was dressed as) got me for the strangest Meringue I've ever heard and then a fun East Coast Swing. I even got a Salsa in with TNT (Pebbles) which was very cute and fun.
As much as my Cha Cha with RT was one of my better dances for the evening... I have to say that my Foxtrot with TSD (Scooby Doo) was the highlight of my dancing.... First I was following really well...or he was leading pretty well...anyway... it was going good. TSD's sense of humor was cranked up full blast... he was growling and joking with just about everyone! We weren't really paying attention to Line of Dance, so we grapevined and snaked our way around the floor... then we got to the seating area near where Jem was sitting... TSD started to bend over me, so then I bent backwards... he kept going...making funny faces at Jem... so I kept bending... I'm relatively flexible and I felt pretty safe and on my own two feet for a second. Then I was bent over to the point where one of my feet was about to come off the floor... I had a really quick thought we keep bending/dipping... whatever you want to call it. Do I tap him?...Do I just tell him that I can't bend any further?Uh oh! If I go any further....*scream!* I screamed! I don't scream... it was even a girly shrieking kind of scream! TSD just totally started laughing and straightened us up again and we continued our Fox Trot... I was so surprised that I screamed! I do generally have a fear of falling... I'm always afraid that if I fall (because history tells me I'm not so graceful at it) I'll hurt myself or whomever I'm taking down with me! Oh well, must not have been that terrifying because I finished the rest of the dance just fine. Jem did have good fun pointing it out to me later though :-)
So it was a fun night...and for as crowded as it was I got the most dancing in I've done in a while... so that was good!
I also brought my Camera... so I can share some general pics with you... Enjoy!
When you own a Leopard Print isn't tough to use it as a costume!
And as part of the show for the evening... Largo & TNT did a fun swing to the theme from The Flintstones!