Monday, September 1, 2008

Work Out Class... Introducing TNT

Ok... since this class is the reason I'm in the studio about three times a week, I can't possibly not write about it! You may have read about my disaster of a work out class a few weeks ago. I'm pleased to announce that I'm all better and I'm absolutely back to letting the work out class kick my butt.

I have to tell you, I HATE work out classes. I do! It all reminds me of Jane Fonda's Work out tapes circa 1987 or the Jazzersize classes my mother used to take us to when I was really little. I always expect to see leotards in contrasting colors with funky patterns, big hair, and color coordinated sweat bands. Some of the truly terrible things to come out of the 1980's... trust me!

Thankfully the fact that we are actually covering basics to dances that make sense, and the fact that similarly to RT, I have a hard time telling this instructor "No"... I make it to class every chance I get (even on Saturday MORNING).

Speaking of this instructor, It's time I introduced her... when I was thinking of how to refer to her on the blog only one thing came to mind... TNT. She's petite, dynamic, has explosive energy, and commands respect... enough said.

TNT even got me into a new pair of Jazz type sneakers for the more intense group classes. I LOVE these shoes, I'd do an advert for them in a heartbeat. They are made by Sansha, called the "Salsette I" and you can get them at Dance Wear Solutions. My knees and I are very appreciative of the recommendation... A big thanks to TNT for that and a few other things too :-).

Seriously, I have NEVER in my life been willing to back an actual "work out" (I'm the anti work out weight loss girl remember?) but this class... I can get behind... and SOMEDAY I'll actually do the steps for some of the dances exactly as shown... instead of the easier on the knees way.

Oh and the music TNT has selected is great too... sometimes it's the music that gets me through the moves alone... like I'm leaning on the beat for support... so a good strong rhythm is vital to my success in this class, and I think it's the same for a few others too.

I just couldn't let another week go without writing about the Work out class the way it should be told... If TNT can convert me, then she can get to anyone! Turns out word of the class has gotten to some of the other studios within the FADS world and I know of at least one other studio that's going to be starting their own work out regime!

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